Thursday, March 8, 2012

it's that time again...

its that time again!!!!

time to watch your favorite movie! its been JUST long enough that i dont remember how it ends.

ahh, yes. to the point.

tis the season of dancing, and i invite you all to the ball, this sunday march 11th at 9 p.m., when we put all our hopes and dreams into that one team...well, i mean i guess there are 64 of them.

i'll be placing my aspirations on this friendly fellow, once i figure out who he supports.


I'll send a link right when it opens, but consult your children and start growing out your beards, it's time for The NCAA Tournament!!! (wahoo! clap clap clap clap!)

but seriously, who won last year? i don't remember.


Mark and Libby Miller said...

whoooaaaa, this guy looks ALOT like the LORAX!! creepy, i didn't even notice. what team does that put me on?

Peter and Cindy said...

I think that orange dude is TONY THE TIGER! That would mean you're a Kellogs fan. Kellogs is a Battle Creek, Michigan based company--which means you're picking the Michigan teams to do well--Michigan and MSU. Got it; I am adding those team to my bracket also, since you gave us such a good clue! Oh, and I think I will borrow $50 from mom to throw into the winner's pot! dad

Leanna Cartwright said...

awesome! did I win last year?

I will consult the smartest two year old little girl I know...she knows how to pick the winners!!

best of luck to the rest of you.

Heather said...

Where are we filling out brackets? ESPN?

Peter and Cindy said...

Okay, so I knew the orange dude was the soda guy--Orange Crush.

In response to Heather's question, Mark was planning to set up a bracket and I expect he will still do that--so wait for further details!