Monday, July 9, 2012

Their Energy

So here's my latest training update: Yes, I am still training for my Ironman event with the start line lingering only 14 weeks and 4 days away. Anyway, I did a rather long workout on Saturday beginning at Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis. I did a run, followed by a bike ride. Here's my point: both the run and the bike ride were so much easier with others around--running and biking. I gained a certain energy level seeing others putting forth a similar effort--I was not alone. I suppose I may have cut my workout short if others hadn't silently encouraged me (I didn't talk to anyone, but their efforts spoke to me)--yes, at times I cut workouts short due to fatigue (but mostly due to lack of mental energy). Anyway, lest you think this is about training for an Ironman, I feel this idea is applicable in many areas of our lives--if we're students, parents, employees, or followers of Christ--we're all benefited by surrounding ourselves with people who have similar aspirations and who are setting a good example for us through their diligence. Not doubt the opposite is also true: if we hang with those who are setting a bad example--we'll probably end up selling ourselves short. Okay--go find some energy!

1 comment:

Leanna said...

to clarify for dad...a "rather long workout" for dad = a 13 mile run followed by a 5 hour bike ride!

great post! I didn't realize your race is in October. I think my marathon is about 13 weeks you must be racing the next week?

I like the message of this post. thanks for sharing.