Monday, May 28, 2012

Belize It! Part 2

We took a 2 day trip to the mainland. The first day was at Tikal, a national park in Guatamala, and home of Mayan ruins. The ruins were amazing, covering about 20 acres, there were about 8 large temples--and a number of smaller structures. These ruins were incredible in their size and complexity.
It was raining most of our visit and we were rushed for time--but it was eye opening and impressive. The second day on the mainland we did some zip lining and cave tubing.
The zip line experience was exhilarating. I scraped my head (make that "my helmet") against the cable--and inadvertently did a 360 my runs were more challenging than mom's (who aced the experience and was fearless).
Cave tubing was pretty relaxing, floating down a small river through a large cave for almost a mile. It was a good way to recover from the exhilarating zip'n.
Okay...more tomorrow! Love y'all.


Ryan said...

That is a really big squirrel on Mom's head!

Thanks for the update and the pictures - look forward to seeing more photos, especially of your scuba adventure. Sounds like you had a blast. Glad to hear the scuba adventure worked out. I understand if you now want to borrow my Jacques Cousteau books.

Emily said...

Fun zip lining! What is that on moms head?