Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chatting it up with Harper

Hey all!!!!  I know it's a miracle - the Rochester Millers are doing a blog post.  Short update - we are doing great.  Harper makes our lives so much more fun than they used to be.  Okay, we probably wouldn't miss the never ending eating, diapers and inability to leave whenever we want BUT needless to say, we love life with this little stinker.  She's been sleeping 10+ hours a night for the last month or so which means we reallllyyy can't complain.  She is starting to try and roll over!  She throws up her chubby little legs and curls her back to the side.  As you can see she is also quite the little talker.  Sometimes in the morning or after a nap I don't hear her crying, instead I just hear her squaking and cooing and doing little baby Harper yells.  It's like she's saying, "mommmmm, I'm ready to playy now!"  I love it so very very much!

Mark is busybusybusy with school.  It's not uncommon for him to be gon 8-7, be home for an hour or so, and then head back for more studying.  He does a great job, however, remaining present here at home.  Even if he only has a bit of time he sneaks home to see Harper for a bit and give mom some respit.  He is loving his neurology classes lately and its made him think (again) how much he might like neuro as a career - but he still has his doubts and continues to wonder if he'll ever really find a specialty he loves or if he'll just have to pick and hope he loves it.

I'm doing well.  Still have those days when I feel as if I didn't do one things except feed and change Harper, but they are getting fewer and further between.  Starting to feel like my old self more and more and I realize how much I've missed that as I do.  I'm a happy happy lady, though and feel so blessed to have the most amazing little family.

We miss each and every one of you terribly.  It seems so unfair that we all live in opposite ends of the country.  Lets all google hang out soon.  Love you all.


Peter and Cindy said...

Couldn't get the video to play, but it was great to hear an update from Rochester! It must be heaven to have Harper sleeping so long at night. Glad you're making the challenging life schedule work. I know you were able to make some time to get away last weekend--and that's so good to hear! I am looking forward to seeing the video and Harper in full action! love, dad

Leanna said...

Thanks for the update!!! I couldn't get the video to work either. Can you reload it? I would love to see the little lady!!!! She looks so grown up in all the pictures I've seen lately. So cute!!!!!

Glad you guys are able to enjoy some time together - between your busy schedules!

Love you!