Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Crave's Farewell

Mom and I drove to Beloit on Saturday to attend Brendon Crave's missionary farewell. He's headed to SE Russia. His mission home is about 100 miles north of North Korea. The mission covers the eastern 30% of Russia (although it might be the Ukraine, but I haven't looked it up). The terriory looks very rural, with few large cities. The people are largely of Asian descent--being bordered on the south by China and the east by, well--the ocean. I must say, it was an inspiring weekend. Brendon has really grown up since we saw him last--only a few short years ago. He was always pretty quiet around us, reserved, perhaps shy. He has really blossomed into a mature and confident 19 year old. He is looking forward with faith, confidence, and humility to his missionary assignment. He had a great spirit about him. I was impressed that I was seeing a miracle of sorts--as he had allowed the gospel and spirit to mold his soul and prepare him to serve. Amazing. I was also impressed that the church is sending missionaries into this very foreign and desperate land. I can't imagine that the culture and government hasn't watered down the forms of Christianity that might exist there. Of course, we're not known to water down the gospel--so his message should be a great beacon of hope and enlightenment to the people he'll be meeting. The sacrament meeting was beautiful. His sister, Haley, sang, "God be with You"--if you can imagine that! She's 17, with a beautiful voice. Of course the song was filled with emotion. Can't believe she could have gotten through that song, singing to her older brother. We also heard from a single mom in her 40s, who joined the church about 10 years ago; she bore a beautiful testimony of how the gospel had changed her life and the life of her daughter. So, it was an uplifting and inspiring visit--a reminder of the faithfulness of a few. Glad we invested the time. Each of you inspire me also--by your perpetual diligence and Christlike acts of love. Love, dad p.s. The Wutzke's were also there on Sunday. Sue, probably age 50, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer about 6 weeks ago. It's a harsh and most-often short-lived form of cancer. Besides other emotions of caring and concern, it reminded me of the uncertainty, fragility, and shortness of life. Share a message of love today.


Leanna said...

I'm so glad you had a nice trip & were able to see old friends. I'm sure they were glad you came for a visit!!

Ryan said...

Hate it when you write a comment and somehow in the process Blogger loses it...glad yoy made the trip. Great update. Nothing quite comparable to missionary farewells/homecomings.